Elephants, printed silk clutch bag
My new batch of original silk prints are here. They all feature my own textile designs and this time I thought I'd try heavyweight dupion silk as I like the idea of the natural slub and weave of the fabric showing.
My only concern with this finish is that it would affect the quality of the print but this wasn't a problem at all. As ever the company who print my silk designs came up trumps. The colours are rich and true, and because the designs are printed using acid dyes (the correct dye for the fibre) the black tones are a dark inky black rather than pale charcoal. So much so that I'll be running down the stock on the panama cotton and replacing it all with printed silk in future as I just can't get this print quality and depth on the cotton.
It also means I've been able to bring back a couple of my favourite designs, the two swans and bamboo as they have solid black backgrounds. Yay!
The designs are now available in my Etsy shop (US dollar), Dawanda (Euro), and of course my own shop (UK sterling).
Which is your favourite?Forest lights, printed silk clutch bag
Golden lion, printed silk clutch bag
Blue peacock, printed silk clutch bag
black bamboo, printed silk clutch bag
green fern, printed silk clutch bag
Angelica lace, printed silk clutch bag
My goodnes I love the fern ... the bamboo and frest lights are bloody amazing too WOW!!!
ooooh, they are simply stunning! Love the elephants and the second one.